Your knees job is to dampen shock, build spring in your step, and boost your vertical. Squat type exercises are great to build stronger muscles around the knee - and we’ll do those, but there’s a critical detail that we can’t overlook. Knees get in trouble a lot because they are like the middle child. You see, knees really only flex front to back, however a lot of their health depends on how the hips above and feet below help them track and steer straight. If the hips and feet make make poor decisions, your knees dive inward and stress your meniscus, ligaments, and joint surfaces. Your MOBO will cue your hips and feet to steer your leg straight as you load the knees. And we WANT to load your knees! Your body responds to load, and if we progressively load your squat pattern while also cueing steering, the needle will always move in the right direction. For all the moves below, pay attention to the squat depth for each exercise. For most of these moves, we are emphasizing the stability control around your knee joint to build strong, stable, sturdy knees. Let’s build yours better!